Hearty Camping Meals for Under $5 per Person

10 Hearty Camping Meals for Under $5 per Person

Camping is an adventure that reconnects us with nature, but it doesn’t have to disconnect us from delicious and affordable meals.

With a little creativity and planning, you can enjoy hearty meals that are kind to your wallet and your taste buds. Here are ten camping meals that you can whip up for under $5 per person, along with a guide on where to easily find them.

10 Hearty Camping Meals for Under $5 per Person

1. Jambalaya Foil Packets

Bring a taste of the South to your campsite with jambalaya foil packets. This one-pot wonder combines rice, scallions, andouille sausage, and okra, all wrapped up in a foil packet. It’s a no-mess, no-fuss meal that packs a lot of flavors and can be prepared in under 30 minutes.

2. Easy Chili Mac

Chili mac is a classic camping favorite that’s not only cheap but also incredibly filling. It’s a perfect meal to end a day full of activities. You can cook a large pot to feed a crowd, and it’s guaranteed to satisfy everyone with its comforting flavors and hearty ingredients.

3. Campfire Nachos

Nachos are a versatile and customizable option for a quick and easy campfire meal. Layer your favorite toppings like beans, cheese, and veggies over crunchy tortilla chips, and you’ve got a delicious meal ready in less than 20 minutes.

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4. African Peanut Stew

For something a bit different, try an African peanut stew. This rich and flavorful stew combines peanut butter, sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, and spices. It’s a great make-ahead option that can be served with rice or quinoa, providing a satisfying and nutritious meal.

5. Honey Mustard Chicken Skewers

Marinate chicken in a honey mustard sauce, skewer, and grill for a tasty and budget-friendly meal. The longer the chicken marinates, the more flavorful it will be. This meal is perfect for those who want something simple yet delicious.

6. Mac & Cheese:

Whether you make it from scratch or use a boxed version, mac & cheese is a comforting meal that’s always a hit.

7. Tuna Salad:

Canned tuna, mixed with mayo and chopped veggies, served on bread or lettuce wraps, is a refreshing meal that’s high in protein.

8. Potato and Egg Scramble:

Start your day with a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs mixed with diced potatoes and your choice of seasonings.

9. Spaghetti with Garlic Bread:

Spaghetti cooked over a camp stove, served with garlic bread made from toasted sandwich bread, is a simple yet fulfilling dinner.

10. Honey Mustard Chicken Skewers:

Marinate chicken in honey mustard sauce, skewer, and grill for a sweet and tangy meal.

Where to Find These Meals Easily:

  • Local Grocery Stores: Before heading out, visit your local grocery store to stock up on non-perishable items like canned goods, pasta, and rice.
  • Farmers Markets: For fresh produce at a good price, check out farmers markets. You can find seasonal vegetables and fruits that are perfect for camping meals.
  • Bulk Stores: Buying in bulk can save money, especially for items like lentils, beans, and spices.
  • Online Retailers: Some ingredients can be purchased in bulk online, often at a lower cost than physical stores.
  • DIY Preparations: Prepare some meal components at home, like pre-cooked rice or marinated meats, to save time and money at the campsite.
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These meal ideas show that with a bit of ingenuity, you can enjoy gourmet meals even while camping on a budget. Remember, the key to successful budget-friendly camping meals is to plan ahead and be willing to try new things. So next time you’re planning a camping trip, consider these options to keep your stomach and wallet full.

For more inspiration on budget-friendly camping meals, check out additional resources and recipes that can help you plan your next outdoor adventure. Happy camping and bon appétit!

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